
 Happy Wednesday. We are almost another week done. I hope the kids are enjoying it. We were going to do a lot today but with the circumstances we were a little limited. 

We would have went to the gym however they have pulled up water logged and warped spots to replace new ones so that was out of question. We did walk outside and play for 5 minutes tops on the "big kid" playground. We would have been out longer but the air quality was not what we needed for these kids. 

With that being said, a message from Carrie and Jeri states:

Due to the air quality, high temperatures and chance of storms the rest of the week we will be cancelling Bike Day and Water Play Day. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The safety of our campers and staff is our highest priority. 

But we made the most out of today and took advantage of the church and had a little scavenger hunt in side there. The kids did like seeing all of the spaces that are behind the scenes. We walked downstairs to the conference and kitchen along with the classrooms and office. It was cool to see so many different elements make up such a great environment. 

Tomorrow is Wacky Thursday!!

Enjoy today's pictures. 


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