
Showing posts from June, 2024

June 28, 2024

  Happy Friday!  Our class was small today but we still had a lot of fun! Enjoy these pictures from our fun day!

June 27, 2024

  Happy Thursday and welcome to another fun day of summer camp!  Today was cooking camp for several of our campers.  They made some yummy homemade pretzels and got to eat them as part of their lunch today.  We spent some time outside and discovered a rabbit's nest with a few baby bunnies.  We finished up our special craft for the week and then enjoyed PJ/ Movie Day!  Our movie for this week was "Finding Nemo".  It's one of my favorites and it seemed to be a favorite amongst our campers.  Enoy these pictures of our fun day!

June 26, 2024

  Even though we had rain all day we didn't let it stop our fun!  We had chapel this morning led by our Youth Pastor, Mr. Wood. We had an extra recess time in the gym followed by Cupcake Wars.  Each camper decorated a twinkie and we had a special  group of judges who picked the most creative.  Mia was our winner!  We then got to eat our yummy creation.  Enjoy these pictures from our fun day! Tomorrow is PJ and movie day!  Wear your favorite pjs and come for a special movie and treat.  

June 25, 2024

  Updated blog Preschool D June 25, 2024      Today was water day for the kids! We finished up the Jonah and the whale craft and our pizza craft too! The kids enjoyed playing all over the place today, we went outside to play in water, do sidewalk chalk, and bubbles. We also went in the gym to free play after lunch. Some of our favorite games today were Hot Potato, and Musical Chairs! ★  We also had a question of the week! ★ "what is your favorite color?" Alex - "Yellow" Mac - "Red" Addie - "Uhhh.....Blue" Veda - "Rainbow!" Mia - "Pink and Purple and Red!" Charlotte - "Pink and Purple and Rainbow and Orange" Jameson - "Green like my last name!" Rowen - "Red and Green" Sully - "Probably green" Reid - "Blue" ★  REMINDERS!  ★      Please do NOT send your child with any peanut butter or peanut related items for lunch. We have someone who is very allergic in our class!      We also s